Tag "made in Fife"

‘Toon tees’ for sale at Workspace Dunfermline

Combining art, wit and disco nostalgia, Workspace Dunfermline’s brilliant new t shirt designs are available in sizes XS to XXL and cost £20 each. They can be ordered here with bespoke designs also available.

New Jewel in Her Crown range available in time for Christmas

We were big fans at Avocado Sweet of Jewel in Her Crown‘s brilliant silk scarf range which featured images of spitfires and pylons. The Fife design outfit clocked up three sell-out collections of the digitally printed scarves and have now come out swinging with a new, quirky slogan tee project. The 100% cotton tee shirts are unisex and pre-shrunk for a perfect fit. They cost £25 each and can be ordered

Your Piece Baking, Monimail, Fife

Your Piece makes oatcakes, shortbread, porridge bars and muesli. They say: ‘we have created a range of delicious, individually hand made Oatcakes, Shortbread and Highlanders. We never use artificial preservatives, colours, or flavours. Unique biscuits lovingly crafted from the finest ingredients and hand baked in Fife, Scotland.’ Your Piece Baking Company Monimail House Monimail Fife KY15 7RJ Scotland 01738 622851 contact@yourpiecebakingcompany.com Skype: yourpiecebakingcompany